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Exams & Checkups

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Studies are continuing to show that a healthy mouth is a sign of a healthy body, and vice versa. The best possible way to keep your smile healthy and bright is with regular visits to see a dental professional.

New Patient or Comprehensive Oral Exam

Patients who have their first visit at 1st Family Dental typically receive what is commonly referred to as a Comprehensive Oral Examination. This exam includes a full set of digital dental x-rays. Your dentist will review the x-rays to check on the structure of the teeth and jaw, review the placement of teeth including [wisdom teeth], check any existing dental restorations, and look for signs of decay or other problems. Your dentist or hygienist will also visually inspect inside and around your mouth and jaw, and may use a tool called an explorer to check the teeth and gums, and may also feel the outside of your jaw and neck to check for swelling, tenderness, or for motion or any clicking in the jaw.

Another very important component of oral examinations involves speaking. Don’t worry, there is no passing or failing an ‘oral exam’! Your dentist or hygienist will ask you questions about your dental health history, your dental hygiene routine at home, as well as ask you if you have any pain, issues, questions or things you would like to change about your smile. This is a great time to have a dialogue with your dentist about your current health as well as your goals. To help, we have created a guide you can review before your appointment or even bring with you that includes a checklist to help you get the most out of your visit with 1st Family Dental.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Returning patients will usually receive a routine dental check-up at their regular visits. Regular Check-ups may include routine x-rays that are either recommended by the dentist or covered by dental insurance. If you come to the office with any concerns or pain, the doctor will likely request x-rays of that particular area as well. The dentist or hygienist will check your mouth, teeth, gums and jaw area, and compare to your previous exam and x-rays to see if there are any changes and to check for any issues or problems. Regular check-up visits are the best time to chat with your dental professional about questions, concerns and goals you may have about your smile or overall oral health.

For information about dental emergencies and emergency exams, please read more from our Resource Library.

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